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Главная / Программирование / Introduction to performance optimization using Intel SW tools / Тест 5

Introduction to performance optimization using Intel SW tools - тест 5

Упражнение 1:
Номер 1
Loop vectorization is


 (1) change scalar operations to vector 

 (2) raster to vector image conversion 

 (3) internal processor function 

 (4) compiler optimization 

Номер 2
MMX technology provides:


 (1) a set of instructions to operate packed integer data types 

 (2) program package for multimedia 

 (3) additional registers 

 (4) fast floating point operation set 

 (5) additional processor module for audio and video conversion 

Номер 3
SSE is:


 (1) technology applies single instruction to multiple data 

 (2) technology to execute code at server side 

 (3) streaming SIMD processor extension 

 (4) server configuration extension 

 (5) programming language  

Упражнение 2:
Номер 1
SIMD is:


 (1) computation principle provides data parallelism 

 (2) instruction system for multiuser access 

 (3) "simple data multiple instructions"  

 (4) a type of computer memory 

 (5) "Single instruction multiple data" 

Номер 2
Which of the following command line options
	will build a binary for any processor?


 (1) -QxSSE4_1 

 (2) -arch:SSE3 

 (3) -QaxSSE3_1 

 (4) -QxSSE3 

 (5) -arch:SSE2_2 

 (6) -QaxSSE4_2 

 (7) -QxSSE2 

Номер 3
What is condition for vectorization?


 (1) loop dependency absence 

 (2) usage of special data types 

 (3) usage of <vector> module 

 (4) dependent instruction order after optimization kept the same 

Упражнение 3:
Номер 1
What is vector instruction for the compiler?


 (1) adding vectors 

 (2) vector multiply by matrix 

 (3) vector folding 

 (4) vector substraction 

 (5) vector power 

Номер 2
What of the following is required to execute vector operation?


 (1) vectors should form the complete basis in n-dimensional space 

 (2) vector collinearity absence 

 (3) vector normalizing 

 (4) at least one vector module is not zero 

 (5) none of the answers 

Номер 3
May four different variables became components of the same
	vector after the vectorization?


 (1) never 

 (2) may 

 (3) only if they could be arranged lexigraphically 

 (4) only for add operation 

 (5) only for multiply operation 

Упражнение 4:
Номер 1
What size do xmm registers have?


 (1) 16 bit 

 (2) 32 bit 

 (3) 64 bit 

 (4) 128 bit 

 (5) 256 bit 

Номер 2
What size do ymm registers have?


 (1) 16 bit 

 (2) 32 bit 

 (3) 64 bit 

 (4) 128 bit 

 (5) 256 bit 

Номер 3
How many xmm registers does emm64t support?




 (3) 16 

 (4) 32 

 (5) 64 

Упражнение 5:
Номер 1
What is packed data type?


 (1) data type without zero bits 

 (2) data packed by Huffman 

 (3) a special type used for archivation 

 (4) vector component data type 

 (5) scalar forming data type 

Номер 2
What is happened to zero bits in packed data type?


 (1) nothing 

 (2) meaningless zero bits are omited 

 (3) packed by Huffman 

 (4) vectorized 

 (5) scalarized 

Номер 3
Packed data type operations are


 (1) pack and unpack operations only 

 (2) operations that could be removed from code 

 (3) vector operations 

 (4) operations with omiting zero bits 

 (5) they are abstract for assembler doesn't have any 

Упражнение 6:
Номер 1
What is /Qvec-report used for?


 (1) to drive vectorization during the compilation 

 (2) to report vectorization at the execution time 

 (3) to report vectorization at the compile time 

 (4) do drive vectorization heuristics 

Номер 2
What is  __alignof__  used for?


 (1) to align source text 

 (2) to tell compiler how to align objects 

 (3) to get the infromation on data type alignment 

 (4) to get the information on alignment of the variables 

Номер 3
Why it is recommended to arrange fields in structure 
	by decrease of their size?


 (1) to improve performance 

 (2) to beautify 

 (3) to decrease structure size after the alignment 

Номер 4
Vectorization is


 (1) collecting a program characteristics such as procedure execution time, branch mispredition rate, cache splitting etc. 

 (2) program source translation to assembler or native code 

 (3) process of converting from scalar representation where each operation using scalars to vector representation where one operation could use a vector operands 

Главная / Программирование / Introduction to performance optimization using Intel SW tools / Тест 5