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FreeBSD Operating System - тест 27

Упражнение 1:
Номер 1
What is false about inetd?


 (1) inetd listens on multiple ports 

 (2) When a request arrives on a specific port, inetd starts a daemon specific to the port 

 (3) At startup inetd to monitors all ports 

 (4) inetd reads a configuration file /etc/inetd.conf to determine what to do when a message comes to the port 

Номер 2
What is false about anonymous ftp?


 (1) Anonymous ftp restricts access to the home directory of user "ftp" 

 (2) Anonymous ftp restricts access to the machine generally 

 (3) You can't start ftpd in such a manner that it will allow only anonymous ftp connections 

 (4) The remote user doesn’t learn any passwords 

Номер 3
Which of the preparations for anonymous ftp don't influence system security?


 (1) Create a user "ftp" with the shell /dev/null 

 (2) Copy all programs that are to be executed to the directory 

 (3) Decide on a directory for storing anonymous ftp files 

 (4) Limit access to reading the directory for storing anonymous ftp files. 

Упражнение 2:
Номер 1
Which ftpd option logs each session, whether successful or not, to syslogd with the facility LOG_FTP?



 (2) -A 

 (3) -S 

 (4) -l 

Номер 2
Which ftpd option logs all anonymous transfers to the file /var/log/ftpd?



 (2) -A 

 (3) -S 

 (4) -l 

Номер 3
Which ftpd option restricts access to only anonymous ftp?



 (2) -A 

 (3) -S 

 (4) -l 

Упражнение 3:
Номер 1
What is false about rsyncd?


 (1) rsyncd gets started from sshd 

 (2) The server uses configuration file /usr/local/etc/rsyncd.conf 

 (3) It consists of two parts: a global part and one or more module parts 

 (4) The module parts specify the motd file 

Номер 2
What is false about virtual hosts?


 (1) If you want to use the same server to host several sets of web pages, you can use feature "virtual hosts" 

 (2) The default configuration several few virtual servers 

 (3) "Main" server information serves as defaults for all virtual hosts 

 (4) Virtual hosts are described in section VirtualHost in httpd.conf 

Номер 3
What is false about apache?


 (1) Apache offers a large quantity of optional functionality, which it provides in the form of dynamically loadable modules 

 (2) Apache is capable of operating as a proxy server 

 (3) Apache can be an alternative to a general IP aliasing package such as natd 

 (4) Apache can't cache data requests 

Упражнение 4:
Номер 1
Which parameter in httpd.conf claims to be the path to the configuration files?


 (1) ServerType 

 (2) ServerRoot 

 (3) ScoreBoardFile 

 (4) ProxyRequests 

Номер 2
Which parameter in httpd.conf states whether you start httpd from inetd or standalone?


 (1) ServerType 

 (2) ServerRoot 

 (3) ScoreBoardFile 

 (4) ProxyRequests 

Номер 3
Which parameter in httpd.conf allows Apache to function as a proxy server?


 (1) ServerType 

 (2) ServerRoot 

 (3) ScoreBoardFile 

 (4) ProxyRequests 

Упражнение 5:
Номер 1
Which of the processes is not needed to provide NFS server functionality?


 (1) sshd 

 (2) nfsd 

 (3) mountd 

 (4) rpc.lockd 

Номер 2
What is false about file /etc/exports?


 (1) The server needs a file /etc/exports to define which file systems to export and how to export them 

 (2) The only required field in the file is the name of the file system 

 (3) You shouldn't limit the number of systems that can mount your file systems, if you’re on the Internet,  

 (4) By default any system on the Net can mount your file systems 

Номер 3
What is false about option -maproot in file /etc/exports?


 (1) It describes how to treat root 

 (2) By default, root has special privileges on the remote system 

 (3) NFS changes the user ID to user "nobody" 

 (4) To map root to the real root user for a specific file system, you would add "-maproot=0" to the line describing the file system 

Упражнение 6:
Номер 1
Which option in file /etc/exports restricts access to read-only?


 (1) -mapall 

 (2) -ro 

 (3) -network 

 (4) -alldirs 

Номер 2
Which option in file /etc/exports restricts the access to systems on the specified network?


 (1) -mapall 

 (2) -ro 

 (3) -network 

 (4) -alldirs 

Номер 3
Which option in file /etc/exports allows remote clients to mount any directory in the file system directly?


 (1) -mapall 

 (2) -ro 

 (3) -network 

 (4) -alldirs 

Упражнение 7:
Номер 1
Which of the programs, included in samba, tells you who is using the smbd daemon?


 (1) testparm 

 (2) smbpasswd 

 (3) smbstatus 

 (4) nmbd 

Номер 2
Which of the programs, included in samba, tests the Samba configuration file, smb.conf?


 (1) testparm 

 (2) smbpasswd 

 (3) smbstatus 

 (4) nmbd 

Номер 3
Which of the programs, included in samba, sets up network passwords for Samba?


 (1) testparm 

 (2) smbpasswd 

 (3) smbstatus 

 (4) nmbd 

Упражнение 8:
Номер 1
Which if the mail clients can represent folder as a file or as a directory?


 (1) mutt 

 (2) mail 

 (3) pine 

 (4) xfmail 

Номер 2
What is false about mbox method?


 (1) It's a method of storing mail 

 (2) It represents a folder as a directory 

 (3) All the messages in a folder are stored in that single file 

 (4) You can't have the same message in multiple folders 

Номер 3
What is false about method of storing mail, representing a folder as a directory?


 (1) Each message in the folder is then a file by itself 

 (2) If you trash a file, you only lose one message, not all of them 

 (3) You can't have the same message in multiple folders 

 (4) If you have a lot of mail, this can add up to a lot of wasted space 

Упражнение 9:
Номер 1
Which of the variables, specifying how to write and reply to mail messages, tells mutt to include the headers in the message you write?


 (1) sendmail_wait 

 (2) fast_reply 

 (3) charset 

 (4) edit_hdrs 

Номер 2
Which of the variables, specifying how to write and reply to mail messages, tells mutt not to prompt for a number of the headers?


 (1) sendmail_wait 

 (2) fast_reply 

 (3) charset 

 (4) edit_hdrs 

Номер 3
Which of the variables, specifying how to write and reply to mail messages, tells mutt whether it should wait for the mail to be sent before continuing?


 (1) sendmail_wait 

 (2) fast_reply 

 (3) charset 

 (4) edit_hdrs 

Упражнение 10:
Номер 1
Which of the mail headers is used by the MUA to set flags in the display (the message has been read, it is old and etc.)?


 (1) Lines 

 (2) Content-Length 

 (3) Status 

 (4) Precedence 

Номер 2
Which of the mail headers specifies the approximate length of the message in bytes?


 (1) Lines 

 (2) Content-Length 

 (3) Status 

 (4) Precedence 

Номер 3
Which of the mail headers states the length of the message in lines?


 (1) Lines 

 (2) Content-Length 

 (3) Status 

 (4) Precedence 

Упражнение 11:
Номер 1
What is false about using MIME attachments when you send e-mail letters in FreeBSD?


 (1) Use HTML attachments both for web pages and text files 

 (2) Don’t use proprietary attachments 

 (3) Don’t send multiple copies in different formats 

 (4) Specify the correct attachment type 

Номер 2
What is false about using MIME attachments when you send e-mail letters in FreeBSD?


 (1) Use HTML attachments only for web pages 

 (2) Use proprietary attachments 

 (3) Don’t send multiple copies in different formats 

 (4) Specify the correct attachment type 

Номер 3
What is false about using MIME attachments when you send e-mail messages in FreeBSD?


 (1) Use HTML attachments only for web pages 

 (2) Don’t use proprietary attachments 

 (3) Send multiple copies in different formats 

 (4) Specify the correct attachment type 

Упражнение 12:
Номер 1
Which format to send messages if you want to send somebody a web page?


 (1) text/plain 

 (2) application/octetstream 

 (3) image/gif 

 (4) text/html 

Номер 2
Which format to send messages if sender assumes that recipient has the same software as the sender?


 (1) text/plain 

 (2) application/octetstream 

 (3) image/gif 

 (4) text/html 

Номер 3
Which format to send messages if you want to send somebody a text file?


 (1) text/plain 

 (2) application/octetstream 

 (3) image/gif 

 (4) text/html 

Главная / Операционные системы / FreeBSD Operating System / Тест 27